Bc. Kateřina Štursová
Master's student

born 1997 in Chrudim, Czech Republic
Location: HC-F05042
Phone: +420 776 649 224
E-mail: st53242@student.upce.cz
Supervisor: M. Klikar


Kateřina Štursová received her Bachelor´s degree in Clinical biology and chemistry at the University of Pardubice under guidance od F. Bureš and M. Klikar in August 2019. Her bachelor work focused on design and synthesis of push-pull chromophores bearing diphenylamine as an electron donor unit. She is currently pursuing Master´s studies under guidance of M. Klikar.


Organic Covalent Frameworks

Design, synthesis and characterization of new organic covalent frameworks in
push-pull arrangement.

Last updated 23. 10. 2018, © Filip Bureš