Bc. Gabriela Perglová 
Master's student

born 1998 in Frýdlant, Czech Republic
Location: HC-F05042
Phone: +420 775 982 705
E-mail: st55555@student.upce.cz
Supervisors: F. Bureš


Gabriela Perglová has completed her Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Biology and Chemistry at the University of Pardubice under guidance of M. Fecková and F. Bureš in August 2020. Her bachelor thesis focused on synthesis of Pyrimidine Derivatives and Their Biological Applications. She is currently pursuing Master’s studies in Organic Chemistry under guidance of F. Bureš.


Light-driven synthesis of organic molecules

Application of photoredox catalysis into organic synthesis.

Last updated 27. 1. 2021, © Filip Bureš